LIVE IN AMSTERDAM – “The IDEAL Trading Mindset”

The IDEAL Trading Mindset

I think the obvious question to ask would be, “what is the ideal trading mindset”. I am sure you have an idea of what the ideal trading mindset would be.

Perhaps you are thinking that the ideal trading mindset is one that is not scared. It is a mindset that knows everything there is to know about the markets, about technical analysis, about algorithms, about artificial intelligence, and the list goes on.

I can only speak for myself what the ideal trading mindset is. I have some experience that makes me well suited to discuss what the ideal mindset is, or perhaps better said, I have an idea of what is NOT the ideal mindset.

In the talk I gave in late 2022 in Amsterdam I dive into the world of emotions, hormones and how they affect our decision making.

The filming and the audio are not the greatest quality, but I hope it is passable. Here is the link to the YouTube video:



Here is the link to the YouTube video:

There are 3 files in total, one called The Ideal Mindset, one called The Dopamine Connection, and one of the actual PowerPoint presentation, in PDF format.

The Ideal Mindset


The Dopamine Connection


PowerPoint Presentation


Conversation with Scammer

Conversation with Scammer

This is a conversation between a friend of mine and “me”, which of course is not me, but a scammer who pretends to be me.

I have labelled my friend’s name as “FRIEND”, and the scammers name as “SCAMMER”. This was done using Facebook messenger. If you see anyone on Facebook using my name and then also use words such as “Binary” or “option” or “Investment”, then it will 100% certainty not be me.

His Facebook profile reads as below – which is near identical to mine – except for the use of the words Binary Option Trading.

See Conversation Below

Fake Profile

Tom Hougaard
Works at Forex And Binary Option Trading
Studies at University of Wales Trinity Saint David Birmingham

FRIEND: Hi Tom. I am a little confused by your profile. You write Forex and Binary Option Trading but you are famous for index day trading?

SCAMMER: Yes,I’m famous for index day trading.Also trade on Binary/Forex trading

FRIEND: Ok, so what are you offering? Given you already have a free Telegram channel

SCAMMER: I’m running a learning and earning program for new or old crypto investors on my trading platform which has been going very successfully. The idea is, building a solid capital foundation for beginners by trading cryptocurrency while they watch, learn and at same time build their capital. The offer by the way is limited, so it won’t be available sometime after now as we won’t be able to accommodate a very high population of investors.

FRIEND: But you aren’t actually Tom Hougaard though, are you? You are just using his name and profile to entice me.. I’d rather know whom I am really dealing with

SCAMMER: Oh mate it’s me the Danish Day trader

FRIEND: So you need to explain how I get involved

SCAMMER: I will provide you my company’s platform where you can be under my mentorship
Sign up and it’s also my company’s WhatsApp number if there’s anything you need to know

FRIEND: You say the business is regulated in Belize but then say it is o line with European Union Laws and Maltese government. Which is it? Also, i don’t really see your personal involvement or mentoring

SCAMMER: Got lots of text on my telegram so decided to create a platform to enable beginners learn and earn The foreign exchange market is a global decentralized or over-the-counter market for the trading of currencies. This market determines foreign exchange rates for every currency. It includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices.

Binary option is an online forex trading (stocks, currencies and gold), it’s one of the highest paid investment treasury in the world. Here you can make twice your investment, no experience needed.

It’s a lucrative way of earning, it’s fast and reliable. You can start earning comfortably from your comfort zone. You can earn 100% of your investment daily, weekly or monthly through Bitcoin mining & Trade, in the new world of crytocurrency. Our trading platform is the best, and your profit after trade is guaranteed.

FRIEND: So how are you involved given that you give so much time to your index day trading?

SCAMMER: Because I have free time for all that

FRIEND: Ah ok. I have sent you an e mail on your normal e mail because I am a big nervous sending my money to a company I have never heard of. I’ll just start small, say €100,000 as I don’t see how anyone can make 100% in less than one year, let alone as quickly as you claim.
I really wonder why you bother with index trading.
I’ve also sent you a message on your Danish WhatsApp
Thanks Tom

SCAMMER: +12693127130
Thats the company’s whatApp whatever you don’t understand I will be here to guide you

FRIEND: I’m sure for 100,000 you are happy to reply on your personal whatsapp – I’ll wait for that.
You already know how much I’m wprth so this is just dipping the toe in the water.

Scammer is sending statements and my friend responds:






Continued conversation…

FRIEND: I have no idea why you are showing me withdrawals with your confirmation. If it was issued by a bank it would be believable.
As I said, I’ll wait for your WhatsApp reply and send you the money. I appreciate it is the middle of the night in Denmark
Are you stopping this charade and admitting that you are not Tom Hougaard?

SCAMMER: Well it seems you don’t believe you’re chatting with the right person

FRIEND: but you aren’t Tom Hougaard are you?

SCAMMER: I’m Tom Hougaard the Danish trader,reason’s I choose this platform for my students is, I don’t need calls while trading live on my telegram channel

FRIEND: Right in that case, you won’t have any difficulty in answering this question. In which country were you last weekend?

SCAMMER: Last weekend I was in Dubai.

FRIEND: Thank you for the confirmation. If you were not a fraudster you would have known the correct answer.

My Comments

My friend knew I was not in Dubai last week, because I had spoken to him
about where I was. So now we know that:

  • the scammers are following my movement in the channel.
  • they have a website called
  • we know it is a scam.

Please Help

I have 14,000 followers.
Some of you must have a presence on various chat rooms and other social channels. I rarely ask you for anything, but I ask you to help me fight this plague of scammers, who are abusing my name. Spread the word, please. Thank you.

The REAL Tom Hougaard

This is a screenshot of the scam website >>


Telegram Scams


My success as a trader has inspired scammers to imitate me. They establish Telegram channels with my name (Tom Hougaard or TraderTom), and they use my photos to create an authentic-looking channel.

The difference between me and the scammers is that I am not managing money. I am not asking people for money. I am not managing accounts. It is very important you understand that. I do not offer “follow me” accounts or “copycat” accounts.

The scammers will use my name and my image to portray themselves as me, and they will offer you investment schemes. These investment schemes will take various forms, but they always have one common denominator. They want you to send them money. Do not do it. If you are in doubt, send me an email on [email protected].

If you want to see how the scammers are trying to outsmart me and you, then read the information below.

See examples below

Example of a fake Telegram channel:



Example of the illegal use of my image:



Real Account Name

My telegram handle is @Tomhougaard. This is what it looks like:

If you are in ANY doubt, please email me on [email protected] and I can send
you the signup link to my private trading channel.

Whatever you do, REMEMBER THIS:

  • I do not charge for my service
  • I do not invest money
  • I do not promise you to turn 100 into 1000 in 24 hours

Fake Name Examples

Scammers have set up names closely resembling mine,
such as:

  • @tomhougaard_fx
  • @tomhougaardstudied

Here are examples of some of the channels that are fake that use my image. Do not be fooled by how many members they show to have. These days you can buy members to make your channel look more legit.

How you get hold of the real
Tom Hougaard

When you conduct this search, please make sure you type just

  • @tomhougaard

When you do this, you will no doubt also see the search function
suggest some of the scammers.


Conversation between scammer and a victim:





Examples of Fake TraderTom
Telegram trading channels

Do not be fooled by how many members they show to have.
These days you can buy members to make your channel look more legit.

This individual has created many
fake TraderTom profiles:

I found that one of the more prolific scammers is a individual using the handle
“@DM…..” be mindful of that!!!


The use of my photo – promising big returns – a scam!

What usually gives the game away is if a channel has a lot of members, like this one which has 60k. However, notice the “count”, which is how many people have read the message, is just 6 people. Then you know it is a fake channel.

Telegram Snapshot

  • an insight into how many scammers is using my name.

Telegram scam – it looks real, but it is a scam:


A fake Telegram channel – with a mix of messages stolen from my own Telegram channel, mixed with Bitcoin promotions.


A fake Telegram channel:

  • Example of a channel that uses a fake image.

Do not be fooled by how many members they show to have. These days you can buy members to make your channel look more legit.

More Examples:

One way to know that it is a fake channel is the number of views a post has.

Here you see a promotion, but it only has 2 views.


It looks like my channel, but it is a scam. Notice there are 55,000 members

but look at how many are viewing the posts. Only 29!

Final Example:

This person has established a Telegram name very close to mine. It says

“@tomhougard” with one “a” but my name is with two “a”s.


YouTube Scams


My success as a trader has inspired scammers to imitate me. They establish YouTube channels with my name (Tom Hougaard or TraderTom), and they use my photos to create an authentic-looking channel.

The difference between me and the scammers is that I am not managing money. I am not asking people for money. I am not managing accounts. It is very important you understand that. I do not offer “follow me” accounts or “copycat” accounts.

The scammers will use my name and my image to portray themselves as me, and they will offer you investment schemes. These investment schemes will take various forms, but they always have one common denominator.

If you want to see how the scammers are trying to outsmart me and you, then read the information below.

See Example Below

YouTube Scam Example:

YouTube scams: when I stream or release videos, scammers are trying to contact viewers through the use of messages like the one you see at the top. That WhatsApp message is a spam message.


WhatsApp Scams


My success as a trader has inspired scammers to imitate me. They establish WhatsApp channels with my name (Tom Hougaard or TraderTom), and they use my photos to create an authentic-looking channel.

The difference between me and the scammers is that I am not managing money. I am not asking people for money. I am not managing accounts. It is very important you understand that. I do not offer “follow me” accounts or “copycat” accounts.

The scammers will use my name and my image to portray themselves as me, and they will offer you investment schemes. These investment schemes will take various forms, but they always have one common denominator. They want you to send them money. Do not do it.

If you want to see how the scammers are trying to outsmart me and you, then read the information below.
See Example Below

WhatsApp Scam Example:

The scammers will use my name and my image to portray themselves as me, and they will offer you investment schemes. These investment schemes will take various forms, but they always have one common denominator.

The common denominator is that you are asked to send money to them anonymously, usually using a cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin.

Do not send them money. You will never see the money again.

Twitter Scams

Twitter Scams

My success as a trader has inspired scammers to imitate me. They establish Twitter handles with my name (Tom Hougaard or TraderTom), and they use my photos to create an authentic-looking channel.

The difference between me and the scammers is that I am not managing money. I am not asking people for money. I am not managing accounts. It is very important you understand that. I do not offer “follow me” accounts or “copycat” accounts.

The scammers will use my name and my image to portray themselves as me, and they will offer you investment schemes. These investment schemes will take various forms, but they always have one common denominator.

If you want to see how the scammers are trying to outsmart me and you, then read the information below.

See Example Below

Twitter Scam Example:

TWITTER scammer – notice the really clever use of a different spelling of “Hougaard”…..




Scam Warning

Scam Warning

I have become the subject of scams, perpetrated in my name and/or using my image. I have created this page in an attempt to warn the public about the variations of scams.

The scams, as of this writing, June 2022, are being committed on social media outlets such as:

Facebook scam examples…
Find out more
Telegram scam examples…
Find out more
Whatsapp scam examples…
Find out more
Twitter Scams
Twitter scam examples…
Find out more
YouTube scam examples…
Find out more
Conversation with Scammer
Conversation examples…
Find out more

Contact me

You are more than welcome to submit a question to me. I will endeavour to answer within a few days.


Facebook Scams


My success as a trader has inspired scammers to imitate me. They establish Facebook profiles with my name (Tom Hougaard or TraderTom), and they use my photos to create an authentic-looking channel.

The difference between me and the scammers is that I am not managing money. I am not asking people for money. I am not managing accounts. It is very important you understand that. I do not offer “follow me” accounts or “copycat” accounts. 

Below you will see various Facebook pages, but notice how all of them are “Binary Option”. I do NOT trade binary options.
See Examples Below

Example of a fake Facebook profile:

This one is sinister. Here the scammer on Facebook has contacted
a friend of mine and notice how the handle is almost correct but has
spelled “v” instead of “u” in my surname.

Example of a fake Facebook profiles:



Price Action Training Data

The IDEAL Trading Mindset

I think the obvious question to ask would be, “what is the ideal trading mindset”. I am sure you have an idea of what the ideal trading mindset would be.

Perhaps you are thinking that the ideal trading mindset is one that is not scared. It is a mindset that knows everything there is to know about the markets, about technical analysis, about algorithms, about artificial intelligence, and the list goes on.

I can only speak for myself what the ideal trading mindset is. I have some experience that makes me well suited to discuss what the ideal mindset is, or perhaps better said, I have an idea of what is NOT the ideal mindset.

In the talk I gave in late 2022 in Amsterdam I dive into the world of emotions, hormones and how they affect our decision making.

The filming and the audio are not the greatest quality, but I hope it is passable. Here is the link to the YouTube video: